be acquainted

be acquaintedbe acquainted
  1. If may , please let us be acquainted with one another .


  2. And that was my first time to be acquainted with that .


  3. Be acquainted with various kinds of common measuring tools .


  4. You 'll need to be acquainted with all the details .


  5. To be acquainted with the budget for the assigned project .


  6. Actually , I happen to be acquainted with that woman .


  7. I am very happy can be acquainted with one another with you such outstanding gentleman !


  8. To be acquainted with the project master schedule and the budget for the assigned project .


  9. Researching interior space may help us to be acquainted with Puppet Manchukuo construct in Changchun .


  10. Therefore , the researchers should be acquainted with the development and the recent situation of the theory , and analyze the basic theory of it .


  11. Hello , I am very glad to be acquainted with you .


  12. The status of major injury in a small area could be acquainted by collecting and analyzing mortality data from Death Surveillance System and hospitalization data from all hospitals .


  13. Denham , who was a friend of Hamilton 's thought he ought to be acquainted with it ;


  14. I aspire to be acquainted with wiser men than this our Concord soil has produced , whose names are hardly known here .


  15. Article & Article ( I ) of chapter III of Section 2 of the budget To be acquainted with the Project Master Schedule and the Budget for the assigned project .


  16. The dissertation studies international investment to large-scale construction in order to figure out ways for both investors and acceptors to be acquainted with risks so that international capital works well-balanced .


  17. To be acquainted with the merit of ministry , we need only observe the condition of the people . ( Junius , Unidentified letter writer )


  18. In order to manage it , an actuary must be acquainted with the operation process , the management history , the macro-economy , and the political and legal environment of an enterprise .


  19. Objective To be acquainted with the status of hepatitis B ( HBV ) infection and abnormal rate of alanine transferase ( ALT ) in general population in Dongguan .


  20. Green and Energy-saving , the Government Takes the Lead & The UPS Scheme by the Government To be acquainted with the merit of ministry , we need only observe the condition of the people .


  21. Owing to the unity and cannot reproducibility constraint , a resource type city must be acquainted with their transformation mission scientifically , only that it could be positioned with their modernization development strategy exactly .


  22. I wish I could be acquainted with the feelings and thought which must agitate the heart and present themselves to the mind of an enlightened Englishman , when he first lands on this continent .


  23. It is intended that through discussion in the thesis , the contents and specific application of Lanchester strategy shall be acquainted by more and more enterprises and serve as useful reference when formulating and implementing sales strategies .


  24. and she could do nothing but think , and think with wonder , of Mr. Darcy 's civility , and above all , of his wishing her to be acquainted with his sister .


  25. These connoisseurs will also be acquainted with the relatively new kid on the block , leviev a legend in the trade for its mining , cutting , polishing and selling of magnificent diamonds .


  26. " Be acquainted with thyself . " The great fault of men of learning is still , that they offend against this rule , and appear willing to study any thing rather than themselves . ( No.24 )


  27. I am sure I ought if I can , quite as much as Charles , for they want me excessively to be acquainted with Captain Wentworth , and I know you do not mind being left alone .


  28. In order to quickly examine and expel the LAN breakdowns in common computer room , people should be acquainted with some foundations of network breakdowns , continuously accumulate experiences in practice , deeply understand solutions about common network breakdowns .


  29. So , modern media studying is a new breakthrought 、 new pattern on studying method of Lu Xun press literature , hoping that people can be acquainted with Lu Xun press literature . 1924-1926 , Lu Xun published 185 articles on 22 newspapers .


  30. Since reform and opening up , With the background of economic globalization , the young in China have had the opportunity to be acquainted with the western youth subculture . Youth subculture was popular with the young by its unique style when it was spread into China .
